Walking Pilgrimage is a retreat. This pilgrimage lasts for four
days and is a time for prayer, kindness, brotherly love, singing,
self discipline, confession, daily mass, listening to speakers and
having spiritual conferences.
 The Cross shall lead the pilgrimage at all times, followed by the Marian emblems, and then the pilgrims.
 The pilgrimage will be divided into groups. All participants should stay with their assigned group.
 All children must stay under the care of their parent(s) or guardian. Children under 18, traveling without a parent, must have an appointed guardian who is on the pilgrimage. Parents then must fill out a Guardian Form when registering their child.
 At each campsite, all pilgrims must observe the night silence which
begins 30 minutes after the evening Mass concludes and remains in effect until morning.
 Pilgrims with health problems are expected to notify the pilgrimage organizers about any health related issues at the time of registration.
Using alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs are prohibited during the entire course of the pilgrimage.
 The religious character of the Pilgrimage requires appropriate attire. No beach or similar attire is permitted at any time.
 Only service cars can accompany the pilgrims. Because of safety concerns, no other cars may follow or stop by the pilgrims as they are walking.
 Every pilgrim must bring their own camping equipment and tent and are responsible
for setting it up in the evening and taking it down the following morning. The pilgrimage service personnel will not be responsible
for pitching private tents or packing them up. Please label ALL your equipment.
 Littering is prohibited in rest areas, nightly campsites, and along the entire route of the pilgrimage.
 There is no fee for video taping or filming this event, but a film waiver
form must be obtained, filled out and signed when registering.
 All pilgrims are expected to follow the directions of the pilgrimage service personnel at all times. Pilgrims who do not follow the pilgrimage rules will be dismissed from the pilgrimage immediately.
All pilgrims are expected to follow safety rules on the road as well as at
the campsites.
All religious symbols, banners, uniforms, posters, etc. must be approved by
the head of the Pilgrimage.
There shall be no soliciting or private selling of goods of any kind without
the consent of the head of the Walking Pilgrimage.
 In all cases that are not covered by the pilgrimage rules, the pilgrimage organizers will make the final decision as needed.
By joining this pilgrimage you hold harmless and release, Ss. Peter & Paul Church, the pastor and staff, workers of the Pilgrimage, the Diocese of Metuchen, and the Bishop of Metuchen from and against any and all liability for any type of loss, damage, or injuries.